Where God Transforms Lives and Renews Hearts
Welcome to the online website of the First Church of Renewal in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. We are a church that proclaims the transformation and renewal of the whole person in the hands of God such that both men and women can live freely, with lives characterized by true satisfaction and divine grace.
We believe that transformation and renewal happen when a person decides to truly work from within guided by the light that comes from an authentic experience of the Holy Spirit, a Spirit that changes the ways and lives of those who truly believe, rather than those weighed down by personal dogmas and prejudice.
We believe in the free manifestation of the Holy Spirit within an environment absent of human judgement. We believe in the genuine and divine guidance of God. We believe that in the context of a relationship with God and His saving, sanctifying, and regenerative grace, a person may become truly whole and made new. Being transformed, joyful and full of God, walking free of the weight of the past, living lives of satisfaction and contentedness, "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith" is the goal of all true followers of His way. That is what our church is all about: joy, freedom and grace that direct us towards changing our ways. We are a community of faith with deep roots in the renewal of Christ and what this can produce in the life of man.
Service times:
Sunday AM: 10:30AM
Sunday Prayer: 7:00PM
Tuesday Small Groups: 7:00PM
Friday Bible Study: 7:00PM
1437 Payne Avenue
Saint Paul, MN, 55130
United States
Bishop: 651-447-3340
General Number: (651) 788-7900